Free Do It Yourself Pest Control Guide. Learn about best practices, understand how to prevent pests from squatting in your house or garden, what to do if you have an infestation and which are the best traps to use for specific pests.
What Is the Best Squirrel Bait?
Finding a bait that squirrels like is relatively easy because they like most things. However, for best results choose the bait to suit the type of squirrel and the time of the year.
What Are the Different Types of Squirrels?
There are over 170 different types of squirrels. We describe the most popular ones you will find in the majority of English speaking countries, from red or fox squirrels to the thirteen lined squirrel. Learn about their history and the difficulties they will face in the future.
Red Squirrels
Red squirrels are eye-catchingly red. They are stunning beautiful animals. Unfortunately, they are an endangered species, mainly due to the introduction of gray squirrels, which carry diseases which the red squirrels have no protection against.
Does the Law Allow You to Kill Squirrels?
The law about killing squirrels varies from country to country and state to state. Read more about what the law says in your area, ignorance cannot be used as a defense.