In most parts of the world it is legal to kill moles however the methods you are allowed to use vary depending on where you live. Read about the various methods here.
Getting Moles Under Control
Moles are furry insectivores that most of us never see. Building extensive networks of tunnels under lawn turf and garden beds, we might not even know they are present unless they build up their molehills or their tunnels collapse, taking bulbs, bedding plants, lawn sprinkler pipes, and even small shrubs and trees with them.
Moles in small numbers actually enhance the health of the landscape. They break up hard soil and they eat the grubs of destructive beetles. It is only when moles multiply too rapidly in the wrong places in the yard or garden that they become destructive.
The obvious methods of getting rid of moles do more harm than good. Shooting a mole with buckshot might be viscerally satisfying to a homeowner who has seen the destruction of a carefully planned landscape, but other than the fact that moles are unlikely to come to the surface where they sense humans, buckshot can also destroy water connections, gas connections, cable connections, and feet.
Frustrated gardeners have been known to use flame throwers, propane gas bombs, floods, auto exhaust, and poisoned bait that is ignored by moles but eaten by pets.
Drastic methods of mole control simply don't work. But a judicious combination of a mole deterrents used in the most valuable areas of the landscape and mole traps placed around the property will get moles under control.
These pages offer everything gardeners, landscapers, and homeowners need to know about how to get rid of moles from yards and gardens. There are pages on trapping moles and bait for moles. There is important information about the types of moles and the essential facts about moles. You can find information about natural removal of moles and the important legal considerations before killing moles.
Browse through the list of articles below, everything you need to know about how to get rid of moles is right here.
Do You Need to Use Bait to Trap a Mole?
Baiting mole traps will enhance your chances of success with catching moles. This article describes moles favorite foods and where you can get them without much effort.