There are over 1,100 different types of mice. The more common ones are the “House Mouse” the “White Footed Mouse” and the “Field Mouse”.
Mice Pest Control
It's common to have a problem with mice in your house. Most people treat it as little more than a nuisance, but this is a mistake. It's not just a nuisance; it's a serious problem that you should deal with as hard and as heavily as possible. Mice can and do destroy property. They can cause a lot of very expensive damage if allowed to, and they can spread lots of very nasty diseases to us humans too. You really do not want to share your home with mice. Trust me, you do not!
One of the big problems with mice is that they are cute little creatures to look at. We admire Jerry in the Tom and Jerry cartoons, and we love it when he gets the better of Tom, the cat. An earlier generation were first won over by another cartoon character, Mickey Mouse, who continues to this day to be a big favorite. These characters may not be real, but they have conditioned us over the years to think that mice are "nice" creatures. That they are furry, squeaky and scurryingly busy, but really quite harmless.
It isn't true. Mice are not nice. They are dangerous creatures, and you should not tolerate them in your home for one second longer than you have to.
It's hard to say which is the most dangerous aspect of mice. Is it their potential for causing considerable damage to your home, or is it their potential for spreading nasty diseases? Fear both equally. Mice carry fleas that carry diseases, and it is often from this source that humans can become infected. Mice gnaw constantly, and when it isn't food (your food) they are gnawing, it is probably something of value in your home.
Mice multiply worse than rabbits. One single female will typically have 10 litters a year. Each litter will typically have six young, half of which can be expected to also be females. The cycle is never-ending. It is a relentless plague of constantly regenerated new generations of more mice, all eager and ready to literally eat you out of house and home.
Talking of eating, one mouse will eat five or six ounces of food each month. From that they will generously give you back some 3,000 mouse droppings, little black pellets that can carry disease, and even if they don't, are still very unpleasant to clean up. But it doesn't stop there either. For every ounce of food a mouse eats, it will contaminate another 10 ounces, and you should really hope you do not inadvertently eat any of that contaminated food either. Yes, we're back to the risk of diseases again ...
By now I hope you are seriously wondering how to get rid of mice from your home. The good news is that it isn't really all that difficult. You need to be determined and constant in your attempts to get rid of mice, but armed with the right pest control products, and the right information about how to catch mice, you can do it.
Browse through the articles below to find the answer to all your questions about mice!
Mice Control Tips
Applying best-practice mice control techniques will keep your house free of the pests who can cause damage and spread disease.
Is It Possible to Get Rid Of Mice Naturally?
It is possible to get rid of mice naturally, it is a lot more difficult than using traps. However, if you use best mice control practices you can have good results.
Facts about Mice
A few facts about mice to help you understand the habits and behaviors of this little rodent.
How to Prevent Mice from Getting Into My House
This article gives you clear step-by-step instructions on how to prevent mice from getting into your property.