Mice, rats, and other rodents are nature’s experts at gnawing. Their sharp incisor teeth give them the tools they need to chomp their way through paper, plastic, cardboard, plywood, electrical insulation, and even many of the less expensive materials used to get rid of them.
If you are planning to go to war with rodents using glue traps, you will have success. However, you will be considerably more successful if you use glue traps together with snap traps for mice or snap traps for rats, depending on your rodent problem. However, keep reading this review to learn all there is to know about trapping rodents with glue traps.
NOTE: Click a link in the “Table of Contents” below to jump straight to any part of the review.
Table of Contents
- What’s a Glue Trap?
- What’s the First Thing You Need to Do to Use Glue Traps for Catching Rats and Mice?
- Glue Boards for Mice, Glue Trays for Rats
- Put out Glue Traps in Pairs, But Not at the Same Time
- Remember, Any Time You Handle Glue Traps
#1 Choice for Mice – CRANACH 5 Piece Mouse Trap, Glue Boards
A glue trap is a sticky flat surface designed to hold a rodent in place until it can be conveniently removed. A glue board trap is a flat surface coated with 1 to 2 mm (about 1/25 to 1/10 of an inch) of glue. Glue boards can be placed on flat surfaces, or some brands can be folded into tents that trap the rodent on all sides. A glue tray trap is a flat surface coated with 4 to 6 mm (about 1/5 to ¼ of an inch) of glue to capture a rodent by its whiskers, underbelly, and feet. Glue tray traps are not folded into tents.
Both styles of traps are available in different sizes for mice and rats. Many products come with a plastic or cardboard cover that lures the rodent inside the trap.
The first thing you need to do to make sure glue traps work for you might come as something of a surprise: Clean up the area where you want to catch mice and rats. The less dust, dirt, and debris you have in the area you want to clear of rodents, the stickier the glue on the glue traps will be. Accumulations of house dust and dirt give rodents the traction they need to escape the glue trap. Rodents can use little bits of trash and debris to build bridges over glue traps so they can continue running the same paths through their territory without risk of capture. Scientists have observed mice making up to 100 trips a night to carry trash to build a bridge over a glue trap, but when it’s finished, the mouse scent on the trash directs the rest of the nest to scamper over it safely. If there’s no trash, they can’t build a bridge.
Glue traps also fail to capture rodents with wet or dusty feet. Humidity control will help you not just with insect problems but also with mice and rats. Air filtration (HVAC or floor-standing room air filtration units) address not allergy and asthma problems but also rodent control.
After you have cleaned up your target site, priming it for success, the next thing you need to do is to choose the right glue trap product for the rodents causing your infestation. If you have mice, you will want to use glue boards. Glue boards lie flat (or nearly flat) on the rodent runway. A mouse out exploring its territory will scamper right on to them—but not if it has to stop and inspect the edge of a tray.
A rat, on the other hand, is much more cautious. A rat needs to feel secure that an object is “supposed” to be in its territory. If it inspects the edge of the glue tray one night, and the next, and the next, eventually it will lose its inhibitions and step right in. Or it will try to pass over the glue board in a flying leap. But you can use the rat’s evasive maneuver to your advantage.
What do you think happens when you set out two glue traps about an inch (2.5 cm) apart? If the target rodent jumps over the first glue trap, it lands in the second. But don’t put both glue traps out on the same day.
Put out glue traps about every 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 2 meters) in the rodent runway. Wait a day, removing the rodents you have already caught. Then put a second glue trap next to the first. That way rodents who have gotten used to running around the first glue trap will get stuck in the second.
Glue traps have a strange, chemical smell for most rodents. The smell of glue, unless there is a peanut butter bait in the middle of the trap, repels mice and rats, especially rats. But if you get your human scent on the trap, too, you will only succeed in sending more and more mostly adult mice and rats away. Remember, any time you handle glue traps, wear gloves, to avoid transferring your scent to the trap.
Still Have Questions About Glue Traps – read our glue trap FAQ.
If you have a variety of pests to trap and you don’t want to spend a lot of money, this economical pack of 5 CRANACH glue boards (#ad) is the right product for you. If you have read my general discussion of glue traps, you know that you need to put out glue boards in pairs about an inch (2.5 cm) apart. And you know that you need more than just one glue board per room. You need to place pairs of traps about every 4 to 6 feet (2 or 3 meters) around a room, everywhere your pests may go. For most home and small business uses, this CRANACH pack is exactly what you need to clear a single room of pests (although it’s always better if you use a combination of glue traps and snap traps to get rid of mice and rats).
The sticky side of each glue board is the side that doesn’t have the writing on it. You expose the glue by lifting a corner of the adhesive backing and giving it a good pull, while holding the board flat. Place the gooey surface up to catch rodents and other pests. If you don’t pull off the paper over the sticky side, the board is not going to catch anything. This particular product gets really sticky at summer temperatures, so to make the job of pulling the backing away easier In summer, place the box in the freezer for about 10 minutes, and then put out the traps. There are no toxins in the product that could contaminate your food.
This CRANACH product can be used in a humane manner, if you check early every morning. Wearing heavy gloves so you aren’t rewarded for your kindness with a bite, you can take trapped animal and glue board both outside and spray the animal with vegetable oil. This loosens the oil so it can escape. You can help by holding the animal by its tail (again, with a gloved hand, for your protection and its, too) while it wriggles free. Then just let the animal go.
One of the most reliable places to buy these CRANACH traps is at Amazon (#ad). They offer fast delivery and free shipping for orders over $35 or free shipping if you are a Prime member. They also have an excellent returns policy.
Here’s a product that is extremely easy to use. There are no adhesive stickers to remove. You don’t have to worry about the product’s being cold enough or warm enough for maximum trapping power. Just open the package, unfold the trap, and set it in place.
Tomcat glue traps with eugenol are excellent for unheated spaces in winter, like an attic, basement or outhouse. The addition of eugenol to the glue acts as a kind of antifreeze. The trap stays sticky down to about 18.5°F (-7.5°C). Eugenol is a natural product. It’s found in cinnamon, cloves, basil, dill, and vanilla. It’s completely nontoxic, as is the glue and everything else in the trap.
I always find Amazon is one of the most trustworthy places to buy goods online. They offer very competitive prices, speedy delivery and are extremely helpful if you have any problems regarding your order. Click the link to check prices on Amazon (#ad).
This glue tray attracts fewer mice and rats, but it also allows fewer rodents to escape. If you have had a problem with mice and rats that run away with other glue traps, and especially if your problem is with rats more than with mice, this is the product you need.
Mice, except for young mice, tend to shy away from glue trays until they have been in place for a few days. They encounter the edge of the tray, and instinctively scurry around it. A rat will assume it can just jump over the tray—which is why this product comes as six pairs of trays. Often the rat will jump over the first tray it encounters, but because these trays come in pairs, it will get trapped in the second. The heavy plastic construction makes it impossible for the rat to gnaw its way out, keeping it trapped until you choose to kill or release it later.
As with the other glue traps, I suggest your first port of call is Amazon. They offer some of the most competitive prices online and give very good customer service, which is backed up by their excellent return’s policy. Click the link to check-out their prices JT Eaton Pre-Baited Rat Size Double Glue Trap Tray (#ad).
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View Comments
Yesterday I put a rat-sized glue trap on the floor of my attic. This morning, when I checked on it, the glue trap was gone!
I looked around, but i don't see anything in my attic. How do I find out what kind of animal did this? How do I keep from losing my glue traps?
Hi - a rat will nudge the trap out of the way if it doesn't like it. You can try nailing the trap to a piece of wood and get a camera trap (look under the trap & repellent reviews drop-down menu at the top of the page) to see exactly what is happening.
CRANACH 5 Piece Mouse Trap, Glue Boards. --- one question "How sticky are these boards in cold weather?" I have a field rat (small) under my deck (outside) and the snap traps I have put out, are being ignored. Now we are going into the winter months here in Washington State, I would like to known if the glue stays pliable or if it firms up in cold weather and looses it's stick.
For cold places, you want to use our 2nd recommendation, the Eugenol traps which are designed for use in unheated places.